Easily participate in the largest modular computing network.
Nodes Buyback Guarantee:
Lumoz offers a unique 80% Buyback Guarantee mechanism. The refund policy applies to retail users only.
For details, please 👉 see the rules.
zkVerifier Nodes in Incentivized Testnet
Lumoz is the leading Modular Compute Layer for ZK&AI. Lumoz uses PoW mining mechanism to provide computing power for Rollup, ZK-ML and ZKP verification. Lumoz zkVerifier Nodes offers users a convenient way to participate in ZK computations. By running lightweight nodes, users can easily engage in ZK computations and receive network rewards.
How to run a zkVerifier Node
Buy the zkVerifier Node License
Step 1
Claim the zkVerifier Node License
Step 2
Run the zkVerifier Node and Earn Rewards
Step 3
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